Welcome Remarks
Ms. Elise Donovan, Director, BVI House Asia
Keynote Speech – BVI: Leading from the Front
Dr. the Hon. D. Orlando Smith, OBE, Premier & Minister of Finance
Premier Smith will examine recent developments in the BVI and will outline how the BVI leads from the front to help millions of Asians and Chinese realise their financial goals and the role the jurisdiction plays in foreign direct investment in China, the Asia Pacific and globally. Premier Smith will also address recent external developments, most noticeably a move by the UK Parliament in relation to the British Overseas Territories, and how the BVI is addressing these.
Panel - Why Choose the BVI?
[Panelists Details Coming Soon]
BVI Business Companies have been used successfully by Asian business leaders, state owned enterprises and individuals for the last 30 years, so much so that the BVI is among the top five jurisdictions for inward foreign direct investment into Asia and the top ten for outbound direct investment. Why have Chinese and other Asian business leaders made the BVI the jurisdiction of choice for the last quarter century? What unique qualities does the jurisdiction offer to the Asian market? Are they fully aware of the BVI’s capabilities?
A panel of experts will discuss new BVI developments in light of current trends in Asia. They will also discuss the structures for investment, succession planning, and asset protection, as well as the appeal to family offices in Asia.
Presentation - Open for Business: BVI’s New Digital Bank
Mr. Carson Wen, Chairman and Founder of Bank of Asia (BVI) Ltd
Bank of Asia has been established in the BVI to address the growing needs of offshore companies and their owners. It will provide banking services to the BVI and other offshore companies as well as trusts and individuals from around the world. It is domiciled in the BVI, but customers will be able to access its digital platform from anywhere in the world with a smart device or computer. Similarly, transactions can be executed online 24/7. Mr. Wen will discuss these issues and others, including the bank’s cutting-edge digital platform and state of the art know-your-customer (KYC) process.
Panel – BVI the Ideal Vehicle for Structuring on the Belt and Road
[Panelists Details Coming Soon]
The Chinese Government has a “Go Global” strategy and a Belt & Road initiative with a lot of potential opportunities for China’s outward strategy. What is the BVI to be doing in terms of structures to support this outward strategy?
Panel members will focus on investment opportunities for Chinese outbound investment through Central Asia and into ASEAN in various sectors – energy, infrastructure, mining, agriculture – and how the BVI can assist in structuring investment in these sectors. The panel will also provide notable examples of use of BVI structures in major business deals.
Presentation – Meeting the Needs of Asia’s Wealthy
[Speaker Details Coming Soon]
China and the rest of Asia’s burgeoning middle class is focused on acquiring wealth to buy real estate, have their children admitted to the best universities, and provide their families with high quality healthcare. BVI focused practitioners advise them on strategies and provides vehicles such as Vista Trusts, Private Trust Companies, and Family Office services to help them meet their goals. Practitioners will discuss these and other BVI services in the context of contemporary Chinese and Asian family issues and financial objectives.
Panel – Charting a Course through the International Landscape
[Panelists Details Coming Soon]
The global taxation and transparency space pushed by the OECD, the EU, NGOs, EU parliamentarians, etc., is frenetic with BEPS, CRS, UBO, etc. What is the BVI’s strategy for meeting and adhering to the demands emanating from these multiple regimes driving the anti-offshore agenda? How is the BVI balancing competing demands of compliance while remaining competitive in the market? Will the BVI maintain “privacy and confidentiality of its structures” which is highly valued in Asia? A panel of experts will dissect the issues.
In conversation with Fintech expert
In the digital era of technological convergence, there will be full-fledged integration of financial services and technology, some very likely disruptive. Governments are being innovative and evaluating ways disruptive technologies can work to create something new and greater.
Presentation - BVI 2.0 – Micro Business Companies
Mr. Greg Boyd, Partner, Harneys Corporate Group & Mr. Burton Chalwell Jr. , Director (Asia Representative), BVI Financial Services Commission (HK) Limited
Small and micro businesses are a critical part of driving growth and innovation in the global economy. In most countries they account for more than 50 percent of economic activity. Yet corporate laws and corporate vehicles are mostly geared to Fortune 1000 size operations. In short, the laws are too complicated and onerous for small and micro businesses. Consequently, most operate without the legal protection, such as provided by the traditional BVI Business Company. The BVI has pioneered a solution – The BVI Micro Business Company (MBC). Greg Boyd will discuss why the MBC, the BVI’s latest technological innovation, is the world’s simplest and most modern corporate vehicle.
Closing Presentation – BVI: Still Standing Bold & Confident?
Mr. Jonathon Clifton, Group Managing Director, Corporate & Private Clients, Asia and Middle East, Vistra
Vistra’s Offshore 2020 report has ranked the BVI consistently for the last seven years as the leading offshore jurisdiction globally with an “embedded brand” in Asia. With their tentacles spread around the world in 40 countries, Vistra’s Group Managing Director is strategically positioned to provide analysis of the key trends and developments globally, and specifically within the broader offshore industry. Is offshore still a viable option? Will the BVI maintain its pole position? Mr. Clifton gives his analysis and predictions for the future.
Brief Closing Remarks
Honourable Ronnie W. Skelton, Minister for Health and Social Development, British Virgin Islands
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